Complaints Handling | NAQEL Express


Tell Us !

You Talk, We Listen, We Act

In complaints handling and redressal, we follow three simple steps.

You talk

As a customer, your perception is our reality.   Your opinion and feedback matter to us.  These are ongoing opportunities for improvement.  That’s  why we created dedicated channels to talk to us. 

We listen

Your experience is our top priority.  Which is why we have formed a complaints management team whose priority is to listen to your complaints, resolve them and prevent them from repeating.

We act

We have acted upon what we listened and created this dedicated complaints management & support page bringing transparency and ease for registering your complaints.

Handling Customer Complaint Rules

  • Customers have the right to file a complaint with the service provider, as long as the date of the complaint does not exceed 30 days, thirty days, from the end of the agreed-upon delivery time.
  • Complaints shall be handled within no more than five days.
  • Each customer will be given a reference number for his complaint and the estimated duration to be solved, via a text message or e-mail.
  • The customer will receive an email or text message with a written response to his complaints.
  • The customer has the right to escalate his complaint to the authority, if the service provider fails to answer within the allotted time or closes the complaint without resolving before the deadline ends.
  • Customers may file a complaint via all the available communication channels